Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Customer is King...


Don't get me wrong on this, as each company should always strife to get as much customers as possible and treat them well, otherwise they will not stick around long.

I'm active as free techsupport and customer support for online games, and I'm pretty sure that everyone else who works in a similar branche encounters the same problems.
Users will always try to get on your nerves and demand that they get helped or refunded for things they are not even entitled too.

In worse cases they just demand that you do as they tell because they are paying for your services and demand to be treated like a king because the mantra says "the customer is king".
I agree that we need to help the people, but just jumping at their winks and filling their demands is where I draw line.

This is especially true if they come with problems created by their own stupidity or are telling you how they know things better.
Again, I'm not against helping the people as not everyone can solve problems without guidance or simply lacks the knowledges for doing so, but some people really ought to learn that respect has to go 2 ways.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Reviving a dead Character

yes I play World of Warcraft, and I'm not ashamed for it.
I honestly don't understand what people have against the game, or against people actually playing it.

Today, I asked a GM to restore a character I delete months ago. I've deleted the character perhaps to soon, as I regretted the choice. One of my first characters ever made, and honestly, my best WoW time comes from this character.

So as of today, yatachi the troll shaman is back on the Neptulon server!
The only problem that remains is getting him to level 80, raid ready and hopefully back into Influx. Which will be a big challenge AND questionmark, as I cannot foresee at the moment my free time.

To do or not To Do

Why is live always so complicated?
Right now i'm in the middle of this whole situation where I need to decide whether or not I will go back to University or keep looking for a software engineering position.

Honestly, either way suits me fine. If I go to University, I will live back at my parents till I graduate. No expenses, no problems. Just 3 to 4 years of studying.

The search for job is what really puts me down. I'm currently in possession of a Bachelor's degree IT Multimedia. Practical approach to programming, with knowledge about the most common programming languages and principles. Even got a whole year of software engineering principles. Yet for companies it's hard to believe that I'm suited for Engineering Positions.

For now I'll probably keep browsing the Internet a bit in the hope that one dreamjob is there, willing to recruit me. Should I not find that job before summer passes, I can still start the University.