Saturday, April 11, 2009

Reviving a dead Character

yes I play World of Warcraft, and I'm not ashamed for it.
I honestly don't understand what people have against the game, or against people actually playing it.

Today, I asked a GM to restore a character I delete months ago. I've deleted the character perhaps to soon, as I regretted the choice. One of my first characters ever made, and honestly, my best WoW time comes from this character.

So as of today, yatachi the troll shaman is back on the Neptulon server!
The only problem that remains is getting him to level 80, raid ready and hopefully back into Influx. Which will be a big challenge AND questionmark, as I cannot foresee at the moment my free time.

1 comment:

  1. Heya Risu,

    When you're not busy getting your old character back up to speed come say hello on Wildhammer to Sennyo :-)

